Together we work to create solidarity to build healthy, safe, egalitarian and inclusive communities for people with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations.
The Pantry Sentinels, an initiative of the National Institute for Equity, Equality and Inclusion of People with Disabilities (INÉÉI-PSH), presents the brand new AlimentAccess Resources (RAAC) platform.
- Adapted website including interactive mapping
- Mapping listing resources offering food assistance services, delivery of adapted and accessible food, as well as psychosocial services in the greater Montreal region
- Support, referral and support
- Training, recruitment of volunteers
- Awareness raising and support for the creation of accessible living spaces
- Project led by people with disabilities (PSH), community experts and users of food aid services
- Initiative set up in response to dire needs for food aid
- Services aimed at promoting the right to healthy eating and improving the autonomy and food security of people in vulnerable situations, particularly people with disabilities (PSH)
- Project focusing on close collaboration with partners interested in equipping themselves and collaborating to open their doors to all population groups, particularly families, but especially people in vulnerable situations
A big thank you to our advisory committee members, who were a great contribution to the implementation of this project. Allow us to present them to you with proud.

Marie-Hélène Tanguay
Marie-Hélène lives with cerebral palsy. She holds a certificate in psychosocial intervention from UQAM. Dynamic and optimistic by nature, she never hesitates to get involved in the community and defend issues such as basic needs: housing, local food, etc. using accessibility and respect for the rights of people with disabilities as a framework. The Pantry Sentinels project is part of an essential approach in terms of basic needs. In addition, since his grandfather and father chose local and organic agriculture, his involvement in food security was self-evident. If this could have a direct impact on the disabled community, Marie Hélène says “present”.

Jacky Nakuza
Jacky Nakuza is an active and dynamic woman, mother of two children, who supported the INÉÉI-PSH team during the implementation of the pilot project The Pantry Sentinels, particularly during the advisory committee meetings. A life expert and a woman with a disability, Jackie notably supported the team in implementing strategies aimed at increasing the food security of women, particularly mothers, from all backgrounds and all levels of society.
When she was young, Jacky's life changed because she contracted polio when she was two years old. She has lived in Canada for around fifteen years and lives in Montreal, in the Côte-des-Neiges district, with her family and her two children.

Maude Massicotte
Maude Massicotte is the co-founder and director of the organization DéfPhys Sans Limite. Maude has also been a universal accessibility trainer for Formation Altergo for 5 years. She has collaborated on various projects linked to the advancement and defense of the rights of people with functional limitations and she makes her strong social commitment her driving force for an ever more inclusive society. Maude sits on the following boards of directors: Ex aequo, RSI Propulsion, DéfPhys Sans Limite and Habitations Pigeon sur Roues. A convinced activist and committed worker, she actively contributes to ensuring that people with disabilities become full people.

Julie Sanfaçon
Julie Sanfaçon is a member of the UQAM Research Chair on the reduction of social inequalities in health as a peer researcher. She is a former employee of the federal public service as well as several provincial and pan-Canadian groups of women with disabilities.
Access to postsecondary education, prevention of violence against women and girls with disabilities and improving the health of people experiencing economic disadvantage are some of the areas to which Julie has devoted herself for the past twenty years. recent years, in Canada and abroad.
Holder of a bachelor's degree in teaching English and a master's degree in translation and a retired globetrotter, Julie dreams of one day returning to school to pursue her activities further, in the third cycle of university. and its fields of action. Currently, it remains active and
partage ses journées de travail à la maison avec Bob, son furet.
Jérôme Plante
Jérôme Plante has a bachelor's degree in political science from the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) and has worked in several community organizations working to promote and defend the rights of people with disabilities. He now works for a company that creates tools adapted for people with visual impairments, which allows him to let his passion for new technologies flourish. The accessibility of technologies for people with disabilities is of great interest to him, and that is why he joined this committee. He wishes to ensure that the tools that will be developed as part of the work of this committee will be accessible to all people with disabilities, which will allow them to benefit from them and thus access much-needed food services. .