
Our programs

Our difference is your strength

Advocacy and knowledge-sharing program
L'illustration représente un groupe de personnes manifestant activement devant un immeuble. Elles utilisent un mégaphone et tiennent des affiches, indiquant qu'elles sont en train de faire entendre leurs voix sur des questions importantes pour elles. La présence de l'immeuble peut suggérer que la manifestation se déroule dans un contexte urbain ou devant un lieu de pouvoir ou d'entreprise. L'image transmet un sentiment d'engagement communautaire et de volonté de provoquer un changement, reflétant la dynamique et la passion des mouvements de protestation.

Our program focuses on a number of areas, including promoting rights, defending interests, sharing expertise and disseminating knowledge.

An essential component of our program is the welcoming and training of committed students. Students are not simply observers in our program, but key players.


We work hard to remove the barriers that stand in the way of the full enjoyment of these rights by all people. Whether through advocacy, awareness-raising or strategic partnerships, our ultimate goal is to create an environment in which everyone can flourish.


Advocacy is at the heart of our mission. By working with partners and mobilizing civil society, we strive for systemic change to ensure equal rights for all.

We firmly believe in the power of sharing expertise and disseminating knowledge. We facilitate a space where individual expertise meets, complements and multiplies.

Through workshops, conferences and interdisciplinary collaborations, we foster a culture of continuous learning and mutual enrichment. We are convinced that the diversity of experience, knowledge and perspectives is an invaluable asset. 

Our objectives


  • Training in inclusive and intersectional approaches and MDHPPH;
  • Welcoming and adapting intervention processes to the different needs of people with disabilities;
  • Contribution to the elaboration of the program against violence and discrimination;
  • Support and mentoring to help trainees achieve their learning and skills development objectives
What we offer:
Popular education and training

The INÉÉI-PSH's representation on various round tables and participation in a number of meetings and events have enabled it to make a strong case for respect for the rights of people with disabilities and consideration for people with disabilities in all their diversity. INÉÉI-PSH has been able to strengthen its reputation thanks to its increasingly recognized and appreciated presence in the community sector. 

Vous pouvez retrouver la liste de la participation de l’INÉÉI-PSH aux tables de concertations, réunions, et événements  dans nos nombreux rapports d’activité.

Promoting the full exercise of rights
L'illustration montre deux femmes et un homme manifestant activement. Ils utilisent un mégaphone et tiennent des affiches, suggérant qu'ils expriment haut et fort leurs opinions ou revendications. Ils se tiennent devant une représentation de la planète Terre, ce qui peut indiquer que leur manifestation concerne des enjeux globaux tels que l'environnement, la paix mondiale ou la justice sociale.

We are committed to promoting the full exercise of the rights of people with disabilities, embracing an inclusive approach that transcends the barriers of age, gender and ethno-cultural background.

Our mission is to create a world where every individual, regardless of their differences, has the opportunity to exercise their fundamental rights fairly and without hindrance.

We firmly believe that social inclusion begins with the elimination of barriers that hinder the active participation of people with disabilities.

Through our efforts, we aim to ensure equitable access to education, employment, healthcare and other essential services. We also advocate the creation of accessible physical and social environments, enabling every individual to live an independent and fulfilling life.

Sharing knowledge, research, expertise, life experiences
Pan-Canadian partnership (IRIS) 

This Canada-wide project, carried out in partnership with the Institute for Research on Inclusion and Society (IRIS), involves setting up a solidarity network bringing together marginalized groups, including Aboriginal, immigrant, racialized and refugee people, people living with mental health challenges, and front-line resource workers. The network has been set up in Charlottetown, Saint John, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver.

This network has been set up in Charlottetown, Saint John, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver.


The project objectives include

  • gaps in support;
  • a systematic analysis of gender-based violence in each city;
  • institutional gaps and the needs of target groups, in order to implement specific organizational and community measures
  • significant changes towards prevention and a more effective response to the structural violence experienced by these populations.
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