Our partners
Our difference is your strength
The partnership

INÉÉI-PSH works with other organizations and partners to ensure the social participation and economic inclusion of people with disabilities.
As a result, its team is keen to work closely with all the social players involved in developing a safe, equitable, egalitarian and inclusive society.
To this end, we invite all active forces to consider a partnership that facilitates the sharing of knowledge and expertise.
Partnerships have many advantages, and help build responsible, equitable, safe and egalitarian communities. Each interested group will be able to fill out an application and a partnership agreement respecting the partners' values and objectives.
Before submitting this partnership agreement, the Partner must familiarize itself with the Charter, which will be sent to it upon request. It is understood that the Partner respects and adheres to the values of INÉÉI - PSH, as well as its mission and objectives as presented in the Charter.
Our financial partners
Nous remercions nos différents partenaires financiers.
Our collaborating partners
We are delighted to be able to count on the support of our various partners:
- Association québécoise pour les personnes aphasiques (AQPA)
- Association québécoise de l’épilepsie (AQE)
- Alliance des maisons d’hébergement de deuxième étape
- Centre des femmes de Saint-Laurent
- Confédération des organismes pour personnes handicapées (COPHAN)
- Collectif des organismes en défense des droits des PSH (CODD-PSH)
- Coalition féministe contre la violence faite aux femmes
- Coalition québécoise des parents d’enfant à besoins particuliers (CPEBPQ)
- Commission de développement des ressources humaines des Premières Nations du Québec (CDRHPN)
- Finautonome
- Flux Montréal
- La Maison des femmes Sourdes de Montréal
- La Gang à Rambrou
- Moelle épinière et motricité Québec (MÉMO-Qc)
- Réseau international pour le processus de production du handicap (RIPPH)
- Santropole Roulant
- Spectrum production
- Société inclusive
- Table des groupes de femmes de Montréal (TGFM)
- Ville de Montréal

Want to become a partner?

We work together to ensure the social participation and economic inclusion of people with disabilities. Our team aspires to close collaboration with all social players involved in the development of a safe, equitable, egalitarian and inclusive society.
We invite all active forces to consider a partnership to share knowledge and expertise.
Together, let's create a positive impact and build a future where everyone, regardless of disability, can participate fully in the social and economic life of our community.
To find out more, please click on the button below and explore collaboration opportunities.