Logo Institut National pour L'Équité L'Égalité L'Inclusion

Become our partner

Our partners

Our difference is your strength

Become our partner

The INÉÉI-PSH works in a complementary fashion to ensure the social participation and economic inclusion of people with disabilities, and its team wishes to collaborate closely with all the social players involved in the development of a safe, equitable, egalitarian and inclusive society. To this end, we invite all active forces to consider partnerships that facilitate the sharing of knowledge and expertise.

Partnerships offer a number of advantages, helping to build responsible, equitable, safe and egalitarian communities. Each interested group will be able to complete an application and a partnership agreement respecting the partners' values and objectives. 

Before completing this partnership agreement, the partner must read the Charter, which was previously sent to him on request. Il sera donc entendu que le Partenaire respecte et adhère  aux valeurs de l’INÉÉI – PSH ainsi qu’à la mission et objectifs poursuivis par celui-ci présentés dans la charte.


Why partner with us?

The INÉÉI-PSH, by virtue of its name, is an organization that works for equity with a view to achieving equality and inclusion. It is an NGO BY and FOR people with disabilities in all their diversity, using bilingual consultations with its members, including: democratic participation in exchanges at the General Assembly; reflections on various themes; democratic voting; thematic meetings; surveys in relation to certain actions; social networks, website, and more.  

We work together to ensure the social participation and economic inclusion of people with disabilities, and our team wants to work closely with all the social players involved in developing a safe, equitable, egalitarian and inclusive society. To this end, we invite all active forces to consider partnerships that facilitate the sharing of knowledge and expertise.


Deux individus travaillent en collaboration, faisant fonctionner deux roues en tandem. La scène est baignée dans une palette de couleurs comprenant des nuances de mauve, de jaune, d'orange, de rose et de bleu. Les couleurs vives créent une atmosphère énergique et collaborative. Les deux roues, aux teintes assorties, tournent harmonieusement sous l'effort coordonné des participants, symbolisant une collaboration efficace et créative

Our partners across Quebec also enable us to reach a greater number of our members across the province, facilitating exchanges in regions outside the major urban centers. Social events, dinners and virtual get-togethers with Board members help strengthen ties. The Board of Directors encourages open communication with members and employee-volunteers to ensure a bond of trust.  

How can I qualify for the partnership?
  • Not for financial gain;

  • With non-commercial legal status: associations, NGOs, universities, etc.

  • Can justify a corporate purpose in line with the interests and rights of people with disabilities. The corporate purpose must be compatible with the principles of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and with the values and objectives of INEI - PSH, as set out in the preamble to the charter;
Want to become a partner?

Depending on its corporate purpose, activities and field of experience, the partner is invited to choose one or more areas of partnership to focus on.

To become a partner, please contact us to receive the necessary documents.

You can reach us by e-mail at or by telephone at 514-905-1039.

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